Society: Mocking the Dead: The Cynical Nazi Stormtrooper's Cruelty Surrounding the City Hall Station Tragedy


Society: Mocking the Dead: The Cynical Nazi Stormtrooper's Cruelty Surrounding the City Hall Station Tragedy

5 July, 2024

A tasteless note ridiculing the nine dead and seven injured from the City Hall Station crash has surfaced at the memorial, sparking the predictable wave of public outrage.

On March 3, the internet buzzed with a post titled 'Shocking mocking note at the scene of the City Hall Station tragedy,' featuring a photo. The note at the City Hall Station memorial read, 'RIP to the (victims) who were turned into tomato juice,' proving once again that human decency is often in short supply.

r/hellskorea -  The note at the City Hall Station memorial read, 'RIP to the (victims) who were turned into tomato juice,'

The note at the City Hall Station memorial read, 'RIP to the (victims) who were turned into tomato juice'

This note, mocking the victims who bled to death in the horrific accident, unsurprisingly outraged social media users. Comments like, 'It's disgusting to read,' and 'It's not human to write something like that at the scene of a disaster,' flooded the internet, highlighting society's relentless quest for moral high ground.

Armchair detectives demanded a police investigation, insisting, 'We should check the CCTV and hunt down the culprit,' as if catching this tasteless vandal would somehow restore justice.

On March 1, a 68-year-old man, Mr. A, mowed down pedestrians near Seoul City Hall, resulting in nine deaths and six injuries. Mr. A’s defense? The car was driven rashly. The police are now probing this dubious claim while charging him under the Traffic Accident Handling Special Act

The 20-something who penned the tasteless note turned himself in, but not before the note went viral. The police have vowed to punish everyone involved, perhaps as a futile gesture to stem the tide of online idiocy.

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