Society: South Korea's Radical Feminist Storm Troopers: Mocking the Dead and Embracing Espionage


Society: South Korea's Radical Feminist Storm Troopers: Mocking the Dead and Embracing Espionage

6 July, 2024

Mocking the dead isn’t exclusive to South Korea’s neo-fascist bros; radical feminist Nazi cliques are in on the act too. The grotesque ridicule targeting the City Hall crash victims isn't just the work of a lone, deranged male. No, legions of radical feminists have gleefully joined the fray, driven by the sole fact that the deceased were all men.

r/hellskorea - Some Nazi Femi ridiculed the deceases of City Hall car accident as balling pin as equally abominable to their male counterparts  did on the same day

Some Nazi Femi ridiculed the deceases of City Hall car accident as balling pin as equally                                 abominable to their male counterparts did on the same day

In the realm of herd behavior, Korean females outshine their male counterparts, acting like super-lemmings thanks to relentless peer pressure. This makes them easy prey for manipulation, often leading to behaviors that defy basic scientific principles.

r/hellskorea - 2 million member Women's Era is the easiest target to manipulation thanks to their member's herd mentality

2 million member Women's Era is the easiest target to manipulation thanks to their member's herd mentality

One bizarre belief among these herd-minded women is that they age like fine wine, making older women supposedly more valuable than older men. This delusion results in South Korean women marrying at record ages, but that's a rabbit hole for another day.

The derision aimed at deceased males is spearheaded by militant feminist Nazi circles, with 'Women’s Era (Yeosung Sidae),' or 'Yeosi,' leading the charge like the SS of the German Nazi regime. While most of these keyboard warriors wield minor influence in physical spaces, the real concern is their potential ties to Chinese 5th column espionage efforts, meticulously orchestrated to undermine South Korea.

Evidence is piling up that this 2-million-strong feminist Nazi brigade is puppeteered by a few Chinese operatives(mostly Korean ethnicity living under Chinese commie dictatorship), working for the CCP in exchange for cash or because their families are held hostage back in China.

r/hellskorea - A lot of manipulators working actively at Women's Era are assumed to be CCP's 5th column because they usually are Korean ethnicities working for CCP picture/YouTube screen capture

A lot of manipulators working actively at Women's Era are assumed to be CCP's 5th column because they usually are Korean ethnicities working for CCP picture/YouTube screen capture

The manipulation of Korean female opinion has been wildly successful, fueling gender conflicts that have plunged South Korea's birth rate to the lowest in the world.

Kudos to the Chinese People's Liberation Army for their espionage prowess. Thanks to their crafty manipulation of South Korea's brainless female herd, China could easily swallow the country without breaking a sweat.

The herd mentality of South Korea's combatant feminist Nazis, steered by a malevolent Chinese 5th column, is tearing the country apart. Meanwhile, the male dominant sweet sugar daddy South Korean government, busy shielding the former call-girl wife of their Gestapo prosecutor president, does nothing. They'll pay dearly for their inaction soon enough.


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