Society: Most Koreans are Mindless Lemmings: How 5,000 Years of Herd Mentality Has Turned Koreans into Self-Destructive Radicals Regardless of Their Differences


Society: Most Koreans are Mindless Lemmings: How 5,000 Years of Herd Mentality Has Turned Koreans into Self-Destructive Radicals Regardless of Their Differences

5 July, 2024

Most Koreans, regardless of their political stance, age group, or gender, act like mindless lemmings, overreacting and thriving on whatever point their leader or opinion-makers set. This herd behavior has been ingrained in them for over 5,000 years, giving them a sense of comfort in their circles.

This herd mentality is unfixable and shockingly uniform. They wear the same black clothes, sport the same haircuts, and think with one typical prejudice, one preference, and one opinion, embodying a monolithic uniformity. Sure, there are variations like gender conflicts, different political stances among age groups, and geographical differences, but their ruthless indulgence in radical ideas follows the same pattern time and again.

r/hellskorea - Mass Suicide of Lemming
Mass Suicide of Lemming

Trying to eradicate opponents for their opinions or political stances is a hallmark of this behavior that has been consistent over 5,000 years. The failed assassin who tried to kill opposition party leader Lee Jae-myung received only 15 years in prison, despite never expressing regret or repentance.

Not just the ultra-right wing, but most Koreans are this radical, regardless of their differences. This radicalism, coupled with their lemming-like rush towards the cliff, defines their existence and is unfixable. This deadly rush always leads them to mass destruction, as seen in the Korean War or the mass support of military juntas in the '70s and '80s, and now their support of a Nazi Gestapo-like prosecutorial dictatorship.

Some of them even supported the so-called liberal president Moon as their supreme leader, just like North Koreans do with their own. Any small criticism of Moon resulted in severe bullying from his massive number of supporters, who idolized him even though he is a perfect psychopath hiding behind a façade of normalcy.

This 'ppalli ppalli' rushed herd behavior of South Koreans, regardless of their gender, political stance, or other differences, often ends in manipulation, like Nazi Germany's Stormtroopers. Left-leaning South Koreans resemble China's Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution, beating individuals with different ideas, while the right-leaning commit their version of Nazi atrocities akin to those inflicted on European Jews. Their political stance or gender differences are just excuses for their violent nature; they simply want to commit acts of pure evil against their opponents.

Like rats crammed into small spaces without food, they turn on each other. When freed, these rats prefer to eat other rats, and Koreans are very much the same, harming each other at every turn over 5 000 years of period and it became their second nature.

The conclusion is painfully clear: Koreans are destined to perish, not just due to the world's lowest birth rate, but also through their own self-destructive radical violence.

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