Society: Promoting Drunk Female Officer After ER Rampage? Nazi Gestapo Police Show They Couldn't Care Less About Public Trust


Society: Promoting Drunk Female Officer After Her ER Rampage? Nazi Gestapo Police Shows They Couldn't Care Less About Public Trust

2 July, 2024

Just like all the atrocities against men by the police, such as helping females get away from their false sexual harassment allegations, the police are giving all sorts of accommodations to female officers. This unfair favoritism toward women in the police force will continue even under a president who promised to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.

When will there be true gender equality in a country where the entire country has been swallowed up by radical feminism(NaGeoHan)?

In a move that reeks of indifference to public trust, a police officer who got drunk and wreaked havoc in a hospital emergency room is being promoted. Officer A, who performed well on her promotion exam, is now a sergeant, sparking outrage within the force. One disillusioned officer grumbled, "How can they promote someone under investigation for breaking the law while drunk and disorderly in an ER?" Another added, "This demoralizes the hardworking officers who now see the police's reputation tarnished by such promotions."In late May, after a booze-filled night with colleagues, Sergeant A stumbled home drunk, ended up falling on the street, and was rushed to the emergency room. There, she transformed into a nightmare, spewing abuse and insisting that the medical staff conduct a full-body CT scan. "Come here, you motherfucker!" and "Oh, you're such a XXX XXX piece of shit..." were just a few of the choice phrases she hurled around.

r/hellskorea - Nazi Gestapo Police favorizes female gender for their internal promotion as well

Nazi Gestapo Police favorizes female gender for their internal promotion as well

After the dust settled, Sergeant A apologized to the medical staff, but they were understandably insistent on seeking punishment. A police spokesperson noted that while internal disciplinary actions typically affect promotions, Sergeant A had yet to face any disciplinary measures.

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