Entertainment: Former K-pop Idol BJ An Somyi Exploits False Rape Accusation to Manipulate Judicial System

Entertainment:" Former K-pop Idol BJ An Somyi Exploits False Rape Accusation to Manipulate Judicial System

18 June, 24

Just exactly like German Nazis, South Korea Nazi Judges are really sweet to female criminal but harsh to male crime. Rape charge can get you real jail term but those females committed False Rape Accusation to Manipulate Judicial System usually walk out of prison term for probation.

You can also aware how filthy and abominable is K-pop and K-entertainment industry over all. Members of these industries are less than human and only pursuing money. The demise of K-Entertainment is not that far away considering what is happening right now in South Korea. Really disgusting.

Former K-pop girl group idol, BJ An Somyi, previously jailed for falsely accusing her agency head of attempted sexual assault, has had her sentence reduced in the second trial. The legal farce continues as the Seoul Central District Court's Criminal Division 4-1 (Presiding Judge Yang Ji-jung) demonstrates just how easily the system can be played.

An Somyi, A former member of K-pop Girl Group DAIA

On the 18th, this same court reduced An Somyi’s original sentence of one year and six months in prison to the same term but with two years of probation instead. Oh, and let’s not forget the 160 hours of community service. How noble. An Somyi, who was originally sentenced one and half year prison in March, walked free the same day, likely with a smirk on her face.

The court had the audacity to state, "Innocence is the use of the state's punishment to harm others," pointing out the obvious—that without objective evidence, the accused would have been unfairly punished. Bravo for the basic legal principle, but where was this clarity when it was really needed?

Yet, in an almost laughable twist, the court added, "We must also consider the defendant's life." Apparently, being young and a first-time offender are valid excuses to sidestep the full consequences of attempting to destroy another’s life with a blatant lie. Community service as a "chance to rehabilitate"—what a comforting thought for real victims out there.

An Somyi, a former member of the girl group DIA turned adult BJ, stirred up quite the storm last January. She filed a police complaint claiming her agency head had tried to sexually assault her. When the police saw through her charade and decided not to prosecute, she contested. Prosecutors, with actual brains, recognized the deception and investigated further.

It turns out An Somyi demanded the agency head break up with his girlfriend, and when he sensibly refused, she resorted to concocting a rape allegation. Manipulating the judicial system out of sheer spite—how charmingly disastrous for justice.

Original Korean news article was written by han.younghye@joongang.co.kr

Source: https://www.joongang.co.kr/article/25257173#home

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