Politics: Two years into Yoon's democracy-destroying, livelihood-destroying, peace-destroying government, we call for a major transition or its demise


Politics: Two years into Yoon's democracy-destroying, livelihood-destroying, peace-destroying government, we call for a major transition or its demise

May 10, 2024

May 10 marks two years since the inception of the Yoon regime, a veritable calamity that has systematically dismantled democracy, thrown the lives of its people into disarray, and plunged the Korean Peninsula into a perilous state.

No president is far better president than Yoon

Yoon regime's official

 vision, laughably titled "Korea Again, a Country of New People," along with its hollow governance principles of "national interest and pragmatism" and "fairness and common sense," ring as hollow as a drum. "National interest and pragmatism," they say? It’s more like self-interest and cynicism. And "fairness and common sense"? Don’t make me laugh. They wield the law as a cudgel to pummel dissenters, all in the name of "common sense."

But what has this vaunted regime really created? A "Nazi Gestapo prosecutor's country," where the president, his family, and their cronies wield unchecked power. They’ve manipulated laws and abused their authority, not to serve the people, but to serve themselves and their insidious interests.

Let’s not forget Yoon's wife and former call girl , Kim Gun-hee, who, despite a slew of criminal allegations, remains untouched by the law. Instead, Yoon's Nazi Gestapo-like prosecutors target journalists who dare to raise these allegations, turning the legal system into their personal weapon.

Yoon’s government has vetoed nine opposition-led bills and is poised to veto the recently approved Special Prosecutor Act. This regime ignores the rule of law, pushing its policies through sheer force and misusing amnesty powers to protect its own.

Staffing the government with Nazi Gestapo prosecutors and sycophants, Yoon's regime has shunned cooperation and communication. They’ve weaponized investigative powers against the previous administration, the opposition party, labor unions, civil society, and the media. Their grip on the news media is ironclad, stifling any criticism with heavy-handed criminal defamation laws.

In response to multiple national crises, including economic and climate emergencies, Yoon’s Nazi Gestapo prosecutor regime clings to "small government," "marketism," "deregulation," and "reckless tax cuts." The result? The lives of the people have become exponentially more difficult.

The risk of another Korean war looms ever larger as Yoon turns a blind eye to dialogue with North Korea. Diplomatic channels between the Koreas have been severed. Meanwhile, foreign policy has become dangerously toxic, with an over-reliance on the US-South Korea alliance and a push for military cooperation with war criminal Japan.

Yoon's regime has been an unmitigated disaster, rightfully condemned by the people. It needs a wholesale transformation. Dialogue with the National Assembly and listening to civil society’s voices are imperative. The government must find financial resources to stabilize people’s lives, rescind tax cuts for the wealthy, restore dialogue between North and South Korea, and cease its push for a South Korea-Japan military alliance.

The Yoon regime must wake up and overhaul its approach to governance, or it will continue to lead the nation down a path of ruin and their own tragic demise like Rumanian.

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