Column: Mentally Ill Korean Women and the Country's Self-Destruction: A Cynical View


Column: Mentally Ill Korean Women and the Country's Self-Destruction: A Cynical View

1 July, 2024

In the current madhouse that is South Korea, a disturbing trend has emerged: countless mentally unstable women are falsely accusing men of molestation. These women, crying wolf with claims of mental illness, are manipulating the system to dodge any repercussions. It's as if the entire nation has been swallowed by radical feminism, hell-bent on ruining the lives of young men, especially those who have served their country with honor.

The supposed guardians of justice are turning a blind eye, allowing this farce to continue unchecked. The real kicker? If war were to break out, and these wrongly accused veterans were re-enlisted and armed, there's a palpable fear that they might seek their own twisted form of justice against their accusers.

Women are more vulnerable to mental deceases

These mentally distressed women are particularly targeting men in their 20s and 30s, the very age group that forms the backbone of any military or disaster response. The result? These men are beginning to see women not as individuals to protect, but as potential threats to their own safety and future.

Remember the Itaewon disaster? Male firefighters were so terrified of being falsely accused that they hesitated to assist women, resulting in more female casualties. With an alarming lack of female firefighters, the tragedy was compounded.

Looking ahead, if another war or major disaster strikes, Korean women might find themselves abandoned, left to fend for themselves unless other women step up. This tragic irony is a direct consequence of their own actions and choices, leaving them with no one to blame but themselves.

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