Politics: Moon Jae-in's Betrayal of South Korean People's Trust - A Pattern of Pro-Japanese Behavior

August 19, 2024

Former President Moon Jae-in's recent remarks at the Democratic Party of Korea's national convention were met with boos and shouts of "shut up" from party members. However, this incident is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Moon's betrayal of South Korean people's trust.

A closer look at Moon's personal life and actions reveals a pattern of pro-Japanese behavior that is deeply concerning. His Yangsan house, for example, is designed in a traditional Japanese style, complete with Japanese window frames and interior design. When asked about this, Japanese architects confirmed that the design was exclusively Japanese.

Furthermore, Moon's family members have also shown a strong affinity for Japanese culture. His daughter, Moon Dahae, attended Kokushikan University, a far-right university in Japan, while his wife attended a Japanese tea ceremony class in Busan. His son is also a self-proclaimed Japanophile who has competed in competitions in Japan and Moon scumbag also named his pets in Japanese.

Kokushikan University(国士舘大学): Cultivate "Kuksa", a sincere and knowledgeable person who will be in charge of Japan's future and who will become the president of the country, picture/namuwiki

But Moon's pro-Japanese behavior goes beyond his personal life. During his presidency, he failed to take a strong stance against Japan's export ban on South Korean companies, including Samsung Semiconductor. Instead, he pretended to be a nationalist to represent Samsung's interests, while Lee Jae-myung, the governor of Gyeonggi Province, took a stronger stance against Japan's attack.

Moon's lack of nationalistic patriotism and his failure to stand up to Japan's aggression have been widely criticized. His actions have been seen as a betrayal of the South Korean people's trust, particularly given his party's supposed commitment to anti-Japanese sentiment.

In fact, Moon's entire presidency was marked by a lack of clear ideology or political philosophy. Unlike his predecessors, such as Roh Moo-hyun, who had a clear vision for the country, Moon's only goal seemed to be to reform the cabinet system. His failure to deliver on this promise has left many South Koreans feeling disillusioned and betrayed.

The fact that Moon built a Japanese-style house to live in after leaving office is a symbol of his deep-seated love for Japanese culture. But it is also a reminder of his betrayal of the South Korean people's trust. As a president, he was supposed to represent the interests of his country, not those of a foreign nation.

In conclusion, Moon Jae-in's pro-Japanese behavior and lack of nationalistic patriotism have been a betrayal of the South Korean people's trust. His actions have been widely criticized, and his legacy will be remembered as one of failure and betrayal.

Here are some highlights of Moon Jae-in’s pro-Jap traitor activities.

- According to a report by the Korean newspaper and online news media, Moon Jae-in's presidency was marked by a lack of clear ideology or political philosophy.

- The majority of South Koreans believe that Moon's presidency was a failure.

- The Democratic Party of Korea has been criticized for its lack of transparency and accountability, particularly with regards to its handling of Moon Jae-in and his family’s pro-Jap traitor activities.

- Moon Jae-in's pro-Japanese behavior has been widely criticized, with many calling for him to be held accountable for his actions.

- Kokushikan University's founding philosophy is based on the spirit of Yoshida Shoin and he focused on nurturing talent at Shokasonjuku, a private residence he created. The people he cultivated at this time were Hirobumi Ito (the first Prime Minister), Arasuke Sone (the 2nd Resident-General of Korea), and Masatake Terauchi (the 2nd Resident-General of Korea). 18th Prime Minister), etc(Namuwiki)

- Although it cannot be concluded that Yoshida Shoin trained these people for the purpose of invading Joseon , it is undeniable that they played a leading role in the annexation of Korea and Japan(Namuwiki). 

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