Series: South Korea Government Hides Heinous Crimes Against Humanity During Korean War Behind Language Barrier

19 July, 2024

Current Nazi South Korea government's Web site on the investigation of Civilian Massacre before and during Korean war. The government committee has the most weird name, Truth and Reconciliation commission, Screen capture of Truth and Reconciliation commission web site   

Introduction to Bodo League Massacre before and during Korean War Series

This series delves into the dark history of the Bodo League massacre during the Korean War of 1950-1953. It’s based largely on reports from the South Korean government, notorious for its Nazi-like tendencies during that era. These aren’t just straightforward translations of government reports. No, the original documents are rife with euphemisms, whitewashing, and outright distortions of the brutal facts—crimes against humanity committed before and during the Korean War.

All these reports are available only in Korean, conveniently inaccessible to the international community. Why? Because South Korea’s fiercely nationalist politicians, regardless of their political stance, want to bury these atrocities under a linguistic barrier. This nationalist fervor, embraced by over two-thirds of the South Korean population, seeks to protect their nation’s ugly image, echoing the despicable nationalism of Nazi Germany that sought to conceal the Holocaust as the "final solution." Germans often claim ignorance of the Holocaust, but millions of Jews didn't just vanish without notice—this is blatant hypocrisy and deceit.

Similarly, many Koreans, both North and South, knew of the massacres, on a scale comparable to the Holocaust, but remained silent. For over 60 years, propaganda and silence almost erased these atrocities from memory, much like the Korean War itself. Yet, the truth persists. Every valley in South Korea holds the remains of the massacred, tangible evidence of these crimes. Witnesses and bereaved family members still recall how their loved ones were butchered by the ultra-right-wing, Nazi SS Gestapo organization of South Korea at the time.

This series will be extensive, the first ever to translate the South Korean government’s so-called investigation into these crimes against humanity. Future articles will follow, but let’s be clear: the content from the South Korean government is more propaganda than investigative reporting. Much work is needed to edit and reveal the true horrors of the civilian massacre.

Stay tuned as we peel back the layers of this long-buried truth.

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