Society: Falsely charged 22 year young South Korea military veteran who's been acquitted of sex offender charge's YouTube Stream Transcription


Society: Falsely charged 22 year young South Korea military veteran who's been acquitted of sex offender charge's YouTube Stream Transcription 

3 July, 2024

 I have been investigated as a victim of perjury.

Hi, I'm an accused man, and after the notification of acquittal, many of you said well done and congratulations, and thank you very much, and you've encouraged me to sue the woman who made the false accusation on me and to report her for false accusation and perjury and today we're going to talk about that.

Let me start.

Today, July 3rd, I went to the Dongtan Police Station to be investigated as an victim of false accusation and perjury, as opposed to before when I was a suspect in a sexual offense charge.

The law firm Vincent's laywe,r Hong Ta-eu and others, who traveled all the way from Gangnam, Seoul to help me.

[이미지출처=유튜브 채널 '억울한 남자']
YouTube Capture of the victim

I visited the Dongtan police station with Mr. Hongtae and Mr. Nam Eonho of law frim Vincent. I thought it would be a chaotic  until I entered the station, but the reality was different.

It was different. The atmosphere was calm and relaxed, and I thought, "It's quieter than I expected.

As I'm doing this, one of the officers asks me how he can help me.

 I told him I was here to interview the as  the  victim of the perjurt of gym bathroom incident, and he took me to a quiet interrogation room. The head of the women and juvenile division was there, and he apologized a little bit, and then he said he had another schedule, so he brought these people in.

They said they wanted to apologize and they wanted to confront me if I would let them, so I said yes. I thought I'd see what they had to say and see if I could get an apology or not.

But it was really frustrating because I didn't know if it was an apologetic attitude or if they were just trying to tell me what they were upset about, and I thought, "I'm sorry," right off the bat and section head among them  said, "If you have any questions, just ask."

I didn't come out to interrogate these people, and I didn't ask to see them first, but I voluntarily called them to hear  any apologize, and the team leader said, Is there anything I want to, so I said what I wanted to say. But they said that they had no choice because they were trying to investigate.

Only one investigator who had the decency to speak up and apologize sincerely.

The rest of them just kept making excuses, so I thought, why am I asked to see them?

More over, what's even more ridiculous is that I was talking about how disappointed I was in certain things, and someone tried to interrupt me again. He had a shitty look on his face from the moment he walked in the room and was completely unapologetic.

r/hellskorea - False female accuser precisely identified the victim at the beginning and she claimed that a man was knocking the door of her toilet room and he was masturbating when she opened door so I responded what about pipping? then she replied she was mistaken. Can you imagine this can be…

False female accuser precisely identified the victim at the beginning and she claimed that a man was knocking the door of her toilet room and he was masturbating when she opened door so I responded what about pipping? then she replied she was mistaken. Can you imagine this can be something mistakenly witnessed?

I told him not to interrupt me and I kept talking to him and I asked him what was wrong with his face and if he was going to apologize, and he said he was sorry, but it wasn't like he was saying it out of spite, it was more like he was saying it objectively, like he was saying it grudgingly, like he was saying, "Take your shit and leave me alone." I felt like I was a malicious complainant.

I don't know if that's true for them, but that was the end of the apology, and honestly, it wasn't worth listening to, because they were all so stiff-necked.

After that, I was investigated as an innocent victim. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, I just expressed that I wanted the maximum punishment.  The complainant, now the accused, a woman in her 50s, still hasn't apologized to me.

I don't know if she's going to use depression as an excuse, and I'll let the police decide, but I'd like to add my personal opinion: I don't think depression is an excuse to mitigate the punishment of an perjury .

There are a lot of people in the world with depression, and not all of them are liars. I don't have the slightest intention of leniency. I want punishment. And after the victim investigation, I had a drink of soju with Vincent Hong ta-eu, the COO, and Nam Wonho, the representative lawyer, as promised. Unfortunately, Mr. Kim Won couldn't make it, but we decided to postpone it until next time, and that's what happened for now.

I wanted to treat them with some beef BBQ, but they didn't want to eat it. I will definitely repay this debt when I grow up.

Thank you for listening, and since I've been to the police station today.

I'm making a video. I hope you're all healthy. It's the rainy season.

So please drive carefully. Thank you all very much.

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