Politics: Nazi Gestapo Prosecutors Summon Lee Jae-myung Couple, but Former Call-girl Kim Gun-hee Remains Untouched

Politics: Nazi Gestapo Prosecutors Summon Lee Jae-myung Couple, but Former Call-girl Kim Gun-hee Remains Untouched

9 July, 2024

Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok announces his position on the Democratic Party's proposal to impeach a prosecutor at the press office of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office on Tuesday. Yonhap News Agency

Despite having wrapped up their interrogation of witnesses, including a presidential office administrator, the prosecutors still haven’t lifted a finger to investigate Kim Gun-hee over her alleged luxury bag scandal. Kim’s lawyer claimed, "We have never discussed with the prosecution whether or how to conduct a specific investigation," making it glaringly obvious that the prosecution is dragging its feet when it comes to Kim. Meanwhile, they’ve wasted no time issuing a summons to former Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung and his wife. The prosecutorial bias couldn’t be clearer.

Kim's lawyer went public on August 8, stating he had "never been told by the prosecution that it was necessary to summon Ms. Kim" and adding that "a summons for an act that has no punishment may be legally inappropriate." In other words, Kim's camp has flat-out told the prosecution their actions are baseless, and yet, silence from the prosecutors.

Back in May, after shaking up the team investigating Kim’s luxury bag and Deutsche Motors stock manipulation allegations, Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok was all talk, saying, "Personnel is personnel, investigation is investigation," and claiming Kim’s case would proceed according to the rules. He repeatedly stressed that "there are no exceptions or special privileges before the law" whenever asked about subpoenaing Kim. However, after concluding their witness investigation, they still haven’t clarified if, when, or how they plan to investigate Kim. Just more hot air.

The treatment of Lee Jae-myung is a whole different ballgame. On April 4, prosecutors promptly notified Lee and his wife to show up for questioning over allegations of corporate card misuse during his term as Gyeonggi Province governor—a case that saw massive police raids but ultimately ended in his acquittal. Notably, this summons came just two days after the Democratic Party proposed impeachment charges against four prosecutors. The prosecutors claim this was "a normal investigative procedure to hear the parties' statements and give them a chance to present their case," but anyone with half a brain can see it reeks of retaliation. If the prosecutors were genuinely interested in giving Kim a chance to present her case, why all the foot-dragging? It’s a display of arrogance, a blatant disregard for fairness, and a total absence of integrity.

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