Politics: Democratic Party's Attack: "President Yoon and His Wife Are the Puppet Masters Behind the Scenes of Investigation Meddling"

Politics: Democratic Party's Attack: "President Yoon and His Wife Are the Puppet Masters Behind the Scenes of Investigation Meddling"

10 July, 2024

Park Chan-dae, the acting chairman of the Democratic Party's top committee

The Democratic Party has pounced on the newly released recording implicating an accomplice in the Deutsche Motors stock manipulation scandal. The recording reveals an attempt to save Lim Sung-geun, the former commander of the Marine Corps' 1st Division, suspected of obstructing the investigation into Marine Corporal Chae's death. According to the opposition, this recording is the smoking gun that exposes the real masterminds: President Yoon and his wife.

Park Chan-dae, the acting chairman of the Democratic Party's top committee, didn't mince words at Tuesday's meeting. "The call transcripts from the Deutsche Motors case reveal the accomplice's involvement in saving Lim Sung-geun. This is the decisive clue we've been waiting for," he thundered.

Park's scathing assessment continued, "If these reports are accurate, it's obvious even to a child that the accomplice's lifeline lobby was aimed at none other than Mrs. Kim Gun-hee. This is irrefutable evidence that President Yoon and his wife are the central figures in this scandal." He didn't stop there, "President Yoon's blatant use of veto power and superficial investigations to shield himself and his wife only strengthen the need for a special prosecutor. The Democratic Party will ensure the Marine Corps Special Prosecutor Law is passed."

Hwang Woon-ha, leader of the Fatherland Innovation Party, also weighed in, tearing into the administration's obstructive behavior. "I've been baffled by the regime's relentless efforts to shield Lim Sung-geun's negligence. But the audio file reported by the media, featuring an accomplice from the Deutsche Motors scandal, has cleared up my doubts," he sneered. "Ms. Lee is the key to unraveling Kim Gun-hee's stock manipulation, and her lobbying for Lim's rescue via 'VIP' only tightens the noose around the Yoon couple."

The opposition has also raised the alarm over potential regime-level public opinion manipulation, triggered by Kim Gun-hee's reference to a "comment team" in a text to Han Dong-hoon, the former chairman of the National Power Emergency Committee. "The mention of 'utilizing a comment team' hints at a sinister public opinion manipulation campaign orchestrated by the regime," Park warned. "If this is true, it's a catastrophic breach that warrants the regime's collapse."

Shin Shin-sik, spokesperson for the Fatherland Innovation Party, didn't hold back either. "Both Han Dong-hoon and Kim Gun-hee must come clean about the comment team's operations," he demanded. "If they refuse to disclose the truth, rest assured, the comment team will become a focal point of investigation."

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