Column: Unmasking the Farce: South Korea's Olympic Mockery and the Erosion of Democracy

 30 July, 2024

"The so-called 'Demise of Democracy' wears a laughable mask that goes unnoticed by the masses. This isn't a cryptic puzzle; it's a sardonic jab at the oblivious and greedy Nazi South Koreans. Yes, the Berlin Olympics of 1936, the only 'successful' games, fueled Nazi Germany's delusion of being a divine master race, leading to World War II. Since then, the Olympics have been a stage for Nazis and war criminals to play their grotesque games.

Referring to South Korea by North Korea’s official name, the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, is no mistake but a deliberate mockery, a slap in the face of Nazi South Korea. The French, who ironically gave us the term 'Political Science,' are behind this farce.

Paris 2024 Olympic marks the unification of the Koreas under the humiliating banner of the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea. Is this an attempt to drag both Koreas into the abyss of North Korean despotism? It’s clear this is intentional. The French, still bitter and envious from their past imperialist failures, now mock the rising tide of Nazi nationalism in South Korea.

The 'China of Europe,' as the French are derisively nicknamed, are nothing more than aging, envious has-beens with a lot of hot air. The longbow of the British decimated the French knights at Agincourt, and their descendants failed to best the South Koreans at the Paris Olympics 2024, missing the gold. History indeed repeats itself as a perpetual nightmare.

Given the escalating erosion of press freedom, it’s no wonder South Korea has been mockingly dubbed the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea. Both Koreas, despite their supposed ideological differences, are trapped under the iron fist of authoritarian rule. It’s almost poetic that they deserve this fate, unable to shake off the shackles of their 5,000-year history of absolute monarchy and servitude.

South Korea’s descent into press oppression ironically began under Moon Jae-in’s liberal administration, which even established special units to prosecute dissenting journalists. The successor to this repressive regime is now a true Nazi Gestapo, led by a former prosecutor who silenced Moon Jae-in’s political adversaries. The assassin has become the master in this dystopian Nazi South Korea.

It’s hardly shocking to see this Nazi Gestapo regime earn the mockery and scorn from their rivals and comrades. What kind of camaraderie do you expect among envious Nazis? The press freedom index for South Korea under a supposed democratic regime remained stagnant, paralleling that of their chief ally, the United States, even with Democrats at the helm. Democracy, it seems, does not guarantee press freedom. Isn’t that rich?


Thus, the derision heaped upon South Korea by calling it the People’s Democratic Republic at the Olympics' opening ceremony isn’t a mere joke. It’s a stark, brutal truth for a nation that lost to the Nazis who excel in propaganda over freedom. The latest US census shows German descendants as the largest white demographic, implying that Americanized German Nazis have infiltrated deeply into US allies, influencing nations like imperialist Japan and Nazi South Korea, both notorious for their atrocities during the Korean War.

The Paris Olympics 2024 has unmasked the true face of Nazi South Korea and its sympathizers. They deserve every ounce of mockery and humiliation thrown their way because, plain and simple, they are Nazis."

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