Column: The Evil HanNyeo(Korean bitch), the Movie Natural and the Novel East of Eden


Column: The Evil HanNyeo(Korean bitch), the Movie Natural and the Novel East of Eden

4 July, 2024

In the movie Natural, a madwoman who crushed the baseball player's dreams by putting a bullet in the arm of the promising protagonist and John Steinbeck's novel The East of Eden (which most Koreans only know from the movie), Present day HanNyeo like a wicked woman named Cathy, who is one of the main characters makes us feel real creep.

Evil has no reason, the evilness itself has the meaning of existence.

Like in Movie Natural, John Steinbeck's novel East of Eden, there is a man named Adam who rescues and heals a woman named Cassie, who has been beaten to death and has a broken arm, and keeps her alive. Since the novel is based on the Bible's book of Genesis, this Adam is the same Adam. However, this woman, Cassie, had been punished and almost killed for her evil deeds, but Adam, who has a good heart, saved her. For a while, she stayed at Adam's house, married him, and gave birth to twins, whose father was under suspicion.

First Edition Cover 

However, when she regains her health, this Cassie bitch calls Adam all kinds of names, steals his money, abandons the twins she gave birth to, and runs away. She then uses the money to become a female pimp who runs a brothel, which is where she ends up.

Cane, played by James Dean, knows and accepts the existence of his mother, who is an evil bitch, but his twin Arron, who has a good nature, cannot bear it and leaves home to die in the war.

Evil exists in this world. But we don't know why it exists. The same goes for the existence of the wicked Han-Nyeo whores. There is no need to wonder why they exist. The answer is to get rid of this evil, and if you encounter it during the time, you should hurry to either turn back or run away.

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