Biz: Samsung Electronics Union: Indefinite General Strike Declared Amid Corporate Stonewalling


Biz: Samsung Electronics Union: Indefinite General Strike Declared Amid Corporate Stonewalling

10 July, 2024 

Samsung's no labor union corporate principle ahs been lifted and now Samsung is facing labor union's strike for the first time in their corporate history and this seems the beginning of their end. 

Members of the National Samsung Electronics Workers' Union (JeonSamno) chant slogans during a general strike resolution meeting in front of Samsung Electronics' Hwaseong plant in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

The National Samsung Electronics Workers' Union (JeonSamno), now on its tenth day of a general strike, has thrown down the gauntlet once again, declaring an indefinite strike in response to the company's continued refusal to engage in meaningful dialogue.

"We're not backing down," proclaimed JeonSamno( Samsung Electronics Workers' Union) this morning. "After our initial strike, it's clear the company has no intention of talking. Instead, they're playing dirty, using department heads to sabotage our efforts," they fumed. "We will respond with every tool at our disposal, including legal action."

Despite the company's blithe assurances that "production has not been disrupted by the strike," JeonSamno is doubling down, convinced that the strike is indeed impacting production. Their strategy? An indefinite strike to twist the company's arm. "We've confirmed disruptions in certain production lines," the union asserted. "The company will regret this. The longer this strike drags on, the more the company will bleed, and eventually, they'll be forced to negotiate."

The union's demands are straightforward yet unmet: a guaranteed unionization leave of one day for all members, a 3.5% increase in basic wages, and a revamp of the performance-based pay system. Yet, since the strike commenced, formal negotiations have been conspicuously absent. "So far, there has been no production disruption, and we will ensure it stays that way," a company representative insisted, while also paying lip service to "ongoing efforts to talk to the union."

According to JeonSamno, the first strike saw 6,540 members participate, including 5,211 from the facilities, manufacturing, and development sectors, and 4,477 from the semiconductor production lines in Giheung, Hwaseong, and Pyongtaek. On the 8th, a strike resolution meeting rallied 4,000 members, followed by member training sessions on the 9th and today.

In a nutshell, Samsung's management might want to rethink their strategy if they hope to avoid the spiraling chaos of an indefinite strike. The clock is ticking, and the stakes are getting higher.

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