Society: The same thing happened to my kid last year at the women and youth section (of the Hwasung-Dongtan Police Precinct)


Society: The same thing happened to my kid last year at the women and youth section (of the Hwasung-Dongtan Police Precinct)

This post also proves South Korea cop is the exact replica of Nazi Gestapo or organized crime syndicate like Jap Yakuza

29 June, 2024 

Before reading this posting you must understand that a 22 year young man just got out of military service had almost exactly same perjury charge by mentally ill woman of 50s and he almost got prosecuted if he was not wisely responded like recording his conversation with a cop of the women and youth section (of the Hwasung Dongtan Police Precinct).

One of the central issues of this post is the dubious record held by the female juvenile investigation team of the Hwaseong Dongtan Police Precinct in Gyeonggi Province, which boasted the nation’s top sex crime case-solving rate last year.

This astonishing statistic has raised eyebrows, with many now questioning the legitimacy of their methods. The recent false accusation and the aggressive, threatening investigation tactics employed by the team may very well be the reason behind their seemingly impressive record.

After reading this post and another about a 22-year-old falsely charged with nearly the same sexual misconduct by the same police precinct, you might think they’re an organized crime syndicate rather than law enforcement. And you'd be spot on. These cops, once busy hunting down supposed communists who do not exit, have now shifted their predatory focus to fabricating sex offenders. In a country where the real offenders are figments of their imagination, they resort to falsifying evidence, coercing false statements, and conjuring fake witnesses to manufacture non existent crimes.

Does South Kores still appear as the trophy of the triumph of democracy to you reading all this? Ask this to your Nazi blonde mom.

By the way, what those fucked up Nazi racist reporters from Nazi Western propaganda news medias are doing in this Nazi hell hole country? Addicted to binge drinking or having sex orgies with Korean all the time, writing nothing on these Nazi Gestapo cop atrocities?

r/hellskorea - A posting of Hwasung Dongtan Police Precinct Web Bulletin

A posting of Hwasung Dongtan Police Precinct Web Bulletin

Title: The same thing happened to my kid last year at the women and youth section (of the Hwasung Dongtan Police Precinct)

Author : Jun *-Woon

Registration date: 2024-06-28

Views: 4534

Attachment: None

Ms. Female Investigator of the Women and Youth Section,

Do you recall the déjà vu we’re experiencing? Last year, you falsely accused my son, freshly returned from military service, of molestation.

You acted on a dubious report from an enigmatic grandmother who claimed my son exposed himself in public. You blatantly violated the presumption of innocence. Your coercive interrogation methods forced a false confession from him, devoid of any evidence, and subjected him to sexually degrading remarks from your corrupt Gestapo-like colleagues. My son, shielding me from the disgrace, only revealed the ordeal later, and I had to endure listening to the recorded call with your investigator.

During his final statement, which I attended, you asked him several questions, didn’t you?

I confronted your colleague about the investigation’s misconduct, which trampled on the presumption of innocence and included sexually degrading comments. I also presented photographs proving my son couldn’t have exposed himself in the shorts he wore that evening. Then, you and your cohorts conveniently stepped out to confer before returning.

During the initial investigation, after my son demonstrated wearing the shorts and it was clear he wasn’t exposed, you still made sexually degrading remarks. Eventually, despite clear evidence to the contrary, charges were pressed against my son, leading to his eventual acquittal. Yet, you audaciously charged him again, resulting in another acquittal.

I contemplated suing you for perjury, but refrained, unwilling to entangle myself further as a senior family member managing a household. And the mysterious grandmother who accused my son? She vanished into thin air.

Investigators, your track record baffles me. Is this your modus operandi for young individuals with no social experience? You, public officers entrusted with the grave responsibility of safeguarding the public’s safety, life, and property, rely on a single dubious report and coercively extract confessions for unsubstantiated crimes. Isn’t that perilously close to instigating malicious perjury?

I realized then that your investigative practices would inevitably lead to further miscarriages of justice. Reflect on whether you truly deserve a position where you can recklessly accuse innocent people of crimes. You conduct your job from the comfort of your desk, devoid of field experience, with the intellect of a goldfish in a bowl.

I’m speaking calmly now, but imagine if your own child endured such an ordeal.


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