Society: Betrayal by a female teacher: Male victim in agony, female perpetrator with a letter of reflection? Female rapist who never spent a day in jail


Society: Betrayal by a female teacher: Male victim in agony, female perpetrator with a letter of reflection? Female rapist who never spent a day in jail

July 3, 2024

Six years ago, when a male student was in high school, he was sexually assaulted by a female teacher who later lied to him and said that he had sexually assaulted her.

On JTBC's "Case Captain" program on the 1st, we introduced the story of Mr. A, a man in his 20s who is still struggling mentally to this day.

r/hellskorea - Screen capture of JTBC's Case Captain

Screen capture of JTBC's Case Captain

According to Mr. A, when he was a sophomore in high school, Ms. B, a female teacher in her 30s who worked at the school, approached him in a friendly manner, asking, "What are the students talking about these days?" and "What is the public opinion?"

One day, Ms. B invited Mr. A to dinner, offered him alcohol, and took him to a motel after the meal. Mr. B told Mr. A to wait at the door of the motel because it would be a problem if a minor entered the motel, so he got a room and took him inside.

Ms. A says she knew what the teacher was doing, but was too afraid to resist because it would look bad on her school record.

Afterward, Ms. A stopped responding to Ms. B's calls and changed her phone number to distance herself from her.

Mr. B then began to overtly harass her. He told other teachers that Mr. A was a problem student and publicly humiliated and punished Mr. A in class.

Unable to cope with the bullying, Mr. A tried to take his own life, but was saved by the police.

Mr. A eventually told his parents and asked for help. A's parents demanded an apology from Mr. B, but after initially seeming to admit fault, Mr. B refused to meet and talk to them, handed in his resignation letter, and disappeared.

A few months later, Ms. B came forward and said, "Mr. A sexually assaulted me and then demanded a relationship. If I refused, he said he would spread it on the internet and socially embarrass me," and sued Mr. A for quasi-rape and defamation. Fortunately, Mr. A was acquitted of the charges.

Nearly falsely accused, Ms. A filed a police report against Mr. B in 2021. Initially, the case was cleared at the investigation stage due to lack of evidence, but later, evidence emerged that Mr. B had withdrawn cash before going to the motel, and Mr. B was brought to trial.

The trial court said, "The male student's statement is consistent and specific, but the female teacher's statement is abstract and unnatural. There are also inconsistencies with the evidence, which makes them unreliable," and sentenced Mr. B to one year in prison.

At the second trial, Mr. B admitted to the charges, saying, "I was scared, and I was afraid that my life would end." The court sentenced him to one year in prison and two years of probation.

However, Ms. A says she has yet to receive a proper apology. Mr. B submitted a reflection to the tribunal, but did not visit Mr. A to apologize and offer a settlement.

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