Politics: Never Been Impeached Nazi Gestapo Cur Prosecutors Are Now Facing Hard Reality


Politics: Never Been Impeached Nazi Gestapo Cur Prosecutors Are Now Facing Hard Reality

3 July, 2024

On Tuesday, Korea’s main opposition party finally decided to stir the pot by submitting a motion for the impeachment of four prosecutors. These prosecutors have been knee-deep in what can only be described as the orchestrated witch hunt against Lee Jae-myung, straight out of the Nazi Gestapo playbook. The Democratic Party has boldly made this impeachment part of its official agenda, making it abundantly clear where their priorities lie.

r/hellskorea - The motion to refer the prosecutor's (Kim Young-cheol) impeachment bill to the Judiciary Committee is passed with 164 votes in favor, 162 against, and 0 abstentions in the 4th plenary session of the 415th National Assembly (extraordinary session) at the Yeouido National Assembly in…

The motion to refer the prosecutor's (Kim Young-cheol) impeachment bill to the Judiciary Committee is passed with 164 votes in favor, 162 against, and 0 abstentions in the 4th plenary session of the 415th National Assembly (extraordinary session) at the Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul on the afternoon of the 2nd. News1

With crystal clear evidence of illegal behavior by these four prosecutors, this impeachment attempt is the first serious effort to tranquilize these unleashed mad dogs. The ruling People Power Party (PPP) is crying foul, claiming that the real aim is to shield Lee. But let’s not kid ourselves—it’s another round of false framing designed to harm him.

The four prosecutors in the Democratic Party's crosshairs are Kang Baek-shin of the Suwon District Prosecutors’ Office; Kim Young-cheol of the Seoul Northern District Prosecutors’ Office; Park Sang-yong, also from Suwon; and Uhm Hee-joon, head of the Bucheon branch of the Incheon District Prosecutors’ Office.

Kim Yong-min, a senior policy maker for the Democratic Party, delivered a grandiose justification to the National Assembly, aiming to slay these so-called Nazi Gestapo dogs. “The prosecution service has been committing all kinds of crimes and undermining the foundations of democracy while wielding the dual powers of investigation and indictment. The motion of impeachment we submit today is designed to prevent those behaviors. We refer the motion to the Legislation and Judiciary Committee under Article 130 of the National Assembly Act and ask the committee to conduct a thorough investigation,” Kim declared, presumably with a straight face.

The ruling People Power Party, in sheer disgust, boycotted the session. Undeterred, the Democratic Party voted to refer the impeachment motion to the National Assembly’s Legislation and Judiciary Committee.

The impeachment motion can either be put to a vote before the full session of the National Assembly between 24 and 72 hours after submission or it can be referred to the Legislation and Judiciary Committee for an investigation prior to the vote. The Democratic Party, eager to prolong the drama, opted for the latter, aiming for a full probe into the various investigations that have so inconveniently implicated Lee.

Kang Baek-shin and Uhm Hee-joon, two of the prosecutors in the Democratic Party's sights, were involved in falsified investigations concerning development projects in the Daejang and Baekhyeon neighborhoods while working at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office.

Park Sang-yong, meanwhile, pursued dubious allegations about the SBW Group remitting funds to North Korea with the Suwon District Prosecutors Office and he falsified evidence during his investigation only to harm the Opposition Party leader.

As for Kim Young-cheol, he’s accused of making shady deals with Chang Si-ho, the niece of Choi Soon-sil (now known as Choi Seo-won), during the ex-President Park Geun-hye’s influence-peddling scandal, not to mention committing subornation and adultery with her during the investigation.

Prosecutor General Lee One-Seok didn’t hold back, lambasting the Democratic Party’s brazen attempt to impeach the prosecutors. “Lee Jae-myung and the Democratic Party seem determined to usurp the role of the judiciary and redo these trials themselves,” he said, likely rolling his eyes.

Adding to the criticism, an official from the so-called "Nazi Gestapo Drunkard president’s office" pointed out the obvious: “In the end, the Democratic Party wants the investigative authority for itself so that it can carry out investigations however it pleases,” they noted, as if it weren’t already blatantly clear.

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