Politics: South Korea’s Digital Cesspool: Tech Giants and Clueless Politicians Fuel a Fake News Inferno

14, July, 2024 

Ever expanding organized crime syndicates of South Korea 

Online news and services in South Korea have devolved into a cesspool of fake comments and fabricated news, manipulated by both tech giants and clueless politicians. This toxic cocktail of deceit and propaganda has led to the ridiculous scenario where a bizarre former prosecutor like Yoon Seok-yul ends up as president.

Representative Yang Moon-seok of the Democratic Party recently dropped a bombshell, claiming he secured 24 Naver accounts linked to Han Dong-hoon’s alleged poll rigging. Yang's deep dive into around 60,000 comments from these accounts revealed that they sprang to life in May 2022, right when Han took over as Minister of Justice. Their mission? Shower Han with praise, counter any negativity about him, and launch attacks on his political foes.

Yang’s findings were damning: 502 comments were carbon copies, down to the last typo, symbol, and space. Many more were just slightly tweaked versions. This wasn’t just random chatter; it reeked of organized, top-down manipulation.

Courtesy of Rep. Yang Mun-seok's office

He also exposed the sneaky tactics of some account holders who tried to cover their tracks by deleting their comments, which only highlights their awareness of the illegality of their actions.

Yang vowed a thorough investigation to expose the truth and ensure those responsible face the music. He warned that this dirty game of comment manipulation likely spread across other major platforms and social media, promising that the Democratic Party would leave no stone unturned in their quest for justice.

In a typical dismissive response, Shin Joo-ho, a spokesperson for Han Dong-hoon’s camp, brushed off the allegations, saying, "It's not true, and it's not worth responding to."


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