Politics: Reckless Moves by South Korea's former nazi Gestapo prosecutor President: A Recipe for Nuclear Disaster in Korean peninsular

14 July, 2024


South Korean President Yun Suk-yul, who attended the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit, greets U.S. President Joe Biden during a visit to the IP4 (South Korea-Japan-Australia-New Zealand) summit in Washington, U.S., Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2018. WASHINGTON/Yonhap

Let's talk about South Korea's president—a former Nazi Gestapo prosecutor who dodged military service. Now, he’s playing the security card like it's a game, provoking Russia by stating to offer weapons to Ukraine, and tailing the U.S. to NATO summits, chanting 'security' like a broken record. What’s his latest masterstroke? Signing a joint statement with the U.S. on nuclear deterrence in Korea, which is basically poking North Korea with a nuclear stick and pushing the Korean Peninsula to the brink of nuclear war. Meanwhile, the U.S. is fanning the flames of a potential nuclear conflict in Korea to divert attention from its own messes in Ukraine and Gaza.

In response to this joint statement, North Korea didn't mince words. They threatened severe consequences for ignoring their warnings. Through the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), a North Korean defense ministry spokesman lambasted the U.S. and South Korea for their reckless actions, accusing them of jeopardizing regional security.

North Korea vowed to ramp up their nuclear deterrence, though they kept the specifics under wraps, insisting they know exactly what to do and will continue their preparations. They issued a stern warning for their adversaries to halt their provocative antics.

This joint statement between the U.S. and South Korean leaders at the NATO Summit doesn't just bump up the alliance from conventional forces to a nuclear-powered focus. It also pledges to respond to North Korean nuclear threats with U.S. nuclear assets around the clock. In other words, it’s a surefire way to ensure that the specter of nuclear war looms ever larger over the Korean Peninsula.

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