Politics: Nazi Gestapo regime of South Korea's Meddling in Medical Education Results Mass Doctor resignation leading to the massive loss of medical professionals

 17 July, 2024

Before you read this article, you should be aware of a critical fact that your ignorant but arrogant Nazi Western propaganda mind likely missed: most of these training doctors are subject to mandatory military conscription. Their resignation doesn’t just mean stepping away from their profession—it means an immediate military draft as soon as their resignation is legally completed. These doctors are not only abandoning their medical careers but also leaving behind their normal civilian lives.

But do the clueless, Nazi Western propaganda media reporter scumbags get this? Of course not. They have no understanding of the dire circumstances these doctors face and conveniently ignore these realities in their articles. Many of these doctors won’t return to the medical profession after their mandatory military service, meaning they are jeopardizing their careers for the sake of their principles. The situation is that serious, but you, Nazi Western propaganda reporter scumbags won't hear a word of it from the complicit, fucking lazy Nazi Western propaganda media hacks. 

The government's reckless, unilateral decision to expand medical school seats without consulting the medical community has triggered an exodus of doctors. With the deadline for resignations having passed, it's clear that the government's desperate appeals have fallen on deaf ears, leading to an inevitable mass resignation.

A medical worker walks in front of a patient at a university hospital in Seoul on May 10, as a mass resignation of doctors is imminent. PIC/Yonhap

As of the 16th, only a handful of doctors had announced their intention to return to their training hospitals or resign. The government's push for hospitals to finalize vacancies by the 17th has been met with a wall of silence from doctors. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, a pitiful 1111 out of 13,756 doctors were working at 211 training hospitals as of the 12th. This suggests a potential mass resignation of over 10,000 doctors. "Only a few responses have been received, mostly from senior and popular departments," an official from a Seoul training hospital said. "A mass return is highly unlikely."

The government's pathetic attempts to lure back resigned doctors with promises of special exceptions for the second half of the year have been met with indifference. The recruitment process, starting on the 22nd, aims to fill vacancies across all medical subjects, not just the essential ones. However, the lackluster response from doctors suggests this effort will also flop. "Nothing has changed, so we'll just wait until next year," said one resigned doctor. "Most aren't interested in the second-half recruitment."

The medical community is also pushing back against the draconian measure of auto-resigning doctors who haven't explicitly stated their intentions. "This unilateral resignation process will only worsen the situation," said a representative from the National Council of Medical University Professors. Despite internal resistance, hospitals are feeling the pressure to enforce these measures. "It's a burden for the hospital, but we might have no choice," admitted an official from another Seoul training hospital.

In summary, the South Korean government's reckless Nazi Gestapo atrocities in medical policy has thrown the healthcare system into chaos, alienating doctors and jeopardizing patient care.

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